If there are two factors X and Y, then the quantity of Y for which one unit of X is a substitute, if the output remains unchanged.
Fundamentals of Economic concepts, is an aim to help students understand the the complex and abstract concepts, theories and models in Economics The blog will be using real life examples to help you understand the key concepts of Economics Wealth Welfare definition Marshall Scarcity definition Robins Growth definition Micro and macro economics Stable, unstable and neutral equilibrium. Methodology in Economics Inductive Deductive. Utility and Satisfaction. Keynes. Hicks Adam Smith Samuelson.
Monday, October 12, 2020
Marginal rate of Technical substitution ( MRTS)
It is the rate at which a factor of production can be substituted for another at the margin without affecting any change in the quantity of output is known as the marginal rate of technical substitution (MRTS).
Autonomous investment VS Induced investment.
Autonomous investment
It is an investment which is independent of the general economic situations. It is income inelastic.
Induced Investment
It is an investment which is dependent on the general economic situations in the country, like general price level, national income, national consumption etc. It is income elastic.
Thursday, October 8, 2020
Marginal rate of substitution
What is marginal rate of substitution?
The indifference curve analysis is based on the principle of marginal rate of substitution.
It is the rate at which an individual will exchange successive units of one commodity for another.
For example, if a consumer has more of apples than oranges, then he will be willing to give more of oranges for an extra unit of
It is the ratio between the marginal utilities of two commodities, which guides the consumer's choice.
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